Sunday, May 2, 2010

Google Acquires 3D Desktop Manager BumpTop

Google Acquires 3D Desktop Manager BumpTop

3D desktop company BumpTop, profiled here in the past, has been acquired by Google for an undisclosed sum.

The news was hinted at yesterday on the BumpTop homepage:

Today, we have a big announcement to make: we're going to be taking BumpTop in an exciting new direction, which means that BumpTop (for both Windows and Mac) will no longer be available for sale. Additionally, no updates to the products are planned.

And now it's official.

For the uninitiated, BumpTop is a 3D, multitouch desktop that's been implemented into the Windows 7 and OS X operating systems. More toy than completely new OS, it's fun to play around with for now, with plenty of potential for later as smartphones and tablets continue to grow in popularity.

No word on what Google plans to do with their new toy, but it probably involves tablets and touchscreens, wouldn't you agree? [TechCrunch]

Send an email to Jack Loftus, the author of this post, at

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