Friday, October 8, 2010

See This iPad's Still Images Come to Life With a Simple Transparent Sheet

The materials for YouTube Illusionist BrussPup's latest feat are simple: an iPad loaded with some images and a transparent sheet striped with black bars. But when the two are combined, those images come to life like you'd never expect. [YouTube]

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Toshiba Regza GL1 wants you to put down the glasses, enjoy the 3D

Toshiba might have abandoned OLED, but that doesn't mean the company is lacking ambition in the display-making field. Today it's using CEATEC 2010, Japan's biggest electronics expo, to make official that 21-inch glasses-free 3D prototype we've been hearing about. It's lost an inch in becoming a retail product, with the 20GL1 offering a 20-inch diagonal, but the important multi-parallax picture transmission (employing a lenticular lens setup as used in Philips' Dimenco) remains the same. The new set, accompanied by a smaller 12GL1 model, will be shipping in Japan this December, and if it really does what it promises, the rest of the world should not be far behind.

Update: Japan's Impress Watch has more details for us, listing a 720p resolution for the 20-incher and a funky 466 x 350 on the 12-inch GL1. Prices are estimated at ¥240,000 ($2,885) and ¥120,000 ($1,443), respectively.